Canon K35 25-120mm Zoom
This vintage macro zoom lens is quite special. It covers a great range, has a fast maximum aperture of T2.8 over the entire zoom range, and offers unique vintage character typically only found in prime lenses. Like Canon K-35 primes, it’s sharp wide open, slightly lower contrast, flares BIG, and flares easily, and has unique textured bokeh.
This lens has a separate macro focusing ring, which greatly improves close focus. You can focus down to just inches away from the front element, making diopters unnecessary.
Duclos Lenses made several improvements to the lens, including removing its internal baffle, which greatly improves the lens bokeh wide open. Bokeh is so beautiful on this lens, that you will want to shoot it wide open at all times. However thanks to a 15-blade iris, bokeh stays circular at all T stops. Thanks to huge lens elements and gorgeous old Canon multi-layer coatings, this lens has become well known for its exaggerated amber and magenta lens flares.
This lens is a great match to our Canon K-35 primes as well as our Canon FDs. It also pairs well with Type SK primes and our TLS Kowa Cine Prominar spherical primes.