Carl Zeiss Jena MC Primes

Zeiss was on a mission to achieve perfection in their glass during the 60's and 70's and 80's, and the Carl Zeiss Jena MC lenses are no exception! The Jena MC's are vintage full frame lenses that offer that classic Zeiss character in abundance. Sharp but still incredibly flattering. Gentle fall off, beautiful creamy bokeh that defines Zeiss lenses of the era, and gorgeous flares that are easily controlled. The Jena MC's hold contrast incredibly well (they are Zeiss after all) and have amazing close focus. 

We offer both the Biometar and the Pancolar 80mm's to choose from, there seems to be some divided opinions on which 80mm is preferred, if you want Freestyle's opinion, we love both but would utilize the 80mm Pancolar first, because it's a stunner!

This set has a Simmod CineMod and is a great choice to create stunning images on a budget. We have both EF and E Mount options for the Jenas.


Sigma Cine


Zeiss ZE (EF)