Zeiss Super Speed MKII Primes (TLS)

Zeiss Super Speeds have been some of the most popular, beautiful and trusted cinema glass ever made! These legendary lenses have inspired generations of filmmakers, and shot countless classic films, for decades. Few lenses have had such profound impact on not only the look of cinema but the design of small, fast & soulful cinema glass.

And now, Freestyle’s storied MKII Zeiss Super Speeds just got even better, thanks to the world class engineering and design team at TLS!

TLS completely discarded all original mechanics, while still understanding that the lightweight & small design of Super Speeds were one of their greatest assets. To honor the original form factor, TLS designed the rehousing to remain small and compact, keeping them all to a 95mm front diameter. The iris scale and gear now sit on the mount side of the focus, making the new layout in line with standard professional cinema lenses. The front diameter is also fixed so there is no more telescoping or binding up of the focus when using a mattebox. Freestyle chose to swap the original iris for modern circular iris blades and a deliciously creamy bokeh.

Zeiss Super Speeds T1.3 maximum aperture and their compact and lightweight design are still peerless! Whether you are wide open or stopped down, the images they produce have such unique contrast, beautiful color rendition, vintage and soulful images that still perform when you need that center sharpness. Quite simply, the TLS Zeiss Super Speeds are pure cinematic wonder!


Kowa Vintage Full Frame


Zeiss Super Speed MKII Primes