Canon V35 Primes

The full frame Canon V35's are a brand new lens upgrade re-tune/de-tune. Utilizing the modern Canon Cine Primes as the source lenses, Duclos has performed a bit of wizardry between the front and rear elements to create a look that replicates more of a vintage feel, flares that are far more expressive, less contrast, less saturation, and overall more unique character than the Canon Cine Primes originally rendered.

The V35's take an often overlooked set of lenses and re-tune them to get much closer to the look of K-35's than modern Canon CN-E glass.

The Canon V35's are now PL mounted with beautifully designed robust modern housing. 114mm matching fronts. 11 iris blades for perfectly circular bokeh. Small. Light. And incredibly fast. These lenses are an amazing option to make something beautiful on a budget!


Laowa 24mm 2x Macro PeriProbe


Sigma Cine